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I Like My Friends More Than My Family

Family vs. Friends: Comparing Key Relationships

Happy group of friends in a party

Friendships and familial relationships tin be both a source of stress and a source of comfort depending on the circumstances. Any your own unique relational balance is amongst your friends and/or family members, know that both friends and family unit can provide meaningful and fulfilling connections.

Which Is Ameliorate Family or Friends?

There is no "better" when it comes to a familial relationship or friendship. Relationships are all different and will vary based on unique circumstances. A fairer comparison would be to ask yourself which relationships are healthier? Healthy relationships may be absent amongst your family, but non among your friendships, or vice versa.

Young women hanging out at the beach

How Do Friends Differ From Family Members?

One big difference between family and friends is that your family unit fellow member's relational characterization will not change, fifty-fifty if y'all take an statement. Your sibling, parent, aunt, or cousin will always maintain that relational characterization, even if you become estranged. With friendships, if you lot have a falling out, your human relationship status can change and you may end up completely disconnected. In some families, there is more than of an undertone that no matter what, family is family, and issues may be prioritized for resolution, while this may not be the instance with some friendships.

Family vs. Friends Comparing Chart

Both family unit and friends can be caring, loving, irreplaceable, and maintain their relationship with you through the ups and downs of life. While some families are open up, loving, and warm, others tin be cold, abusive, and neglectful. Dissimilar with friendships, especially if y'all are a pocket-size, families can feel more hard to remove yourself from. Family unit relationships may likewise be associated with more than complex issues, hierarchical disparities, and circumstances where 1 may feel indebted to some other, while healthy friendships have an even power structure.

Family Friends
Volition e'er be related regardless of circumstances. May not e'er be a friend.
May feel more pressure to keep connection. May come up and go with more ease.
May have more motivation to overcome issues. May feel less force per unit area to resolve issues if friendship is new.
Pervasive family patterns can impact relationship choices. Are impacted by pervasive family relationship patterns.
May be there when friends aren't. May exist there when family isn't.
Can be kind and loving.

Can be kind and loving.

Happy family at a gathering

Why Do I Like My Friends More than Than My Family unit?

If you feel like your friends have replaced your family unit or that yous prefer your friends to your family unit, know that you are not alone. Many individuals turn to friends when they have difficulties with their family unit members or feel equally if their friends are more trustworthy and sympathize them better than family members do. You have control over who you choose to surroundings yourself with friend-wise, but that's non the case when it comes to family unit. Beingness able to choose friends who back up and accept you may feel a lot different when compared to your family relationships.

Group of friends taking a selfie together during a Holi celebration party

Exercise Family Members Count as Friends?

Family members can also be considered friends. There is no rule stating that a family member can't also be a friend. You may take a cousin shut in age, a sibling who you consider to be a best friend, or another family unit member who you feel like you tin can truly confide in.

Friends or Family- Who Do You Rely on the About and Why?

Relying more than on a family member or friend will depend on your unique situation. Some individuals:

  • Have an unhealthy family unit situation and prefer to rely on friends
  • Have a more difficult time making and/or maintaining friendships and may rely more on family members
  • May rely on family unit members for certain matters and friends for others
Grand-mother and adult grand-daughter hugging

Are Friends Meliorate Than Family for Your Health?

Enquiry indicates that friendships, especially for adults, predict ameliorate health outcomes than familial relationships do. Having solid, reliable friendships was more closely tied to feeling happier and healthier.

Is It More Important to Take a Good Family Than Friends?

Research indicates that having good friends is tied to amend mental and physical wellness outcomes. With that said, every circumstance is unique, and it's upwards to you to figure out which relationships in your life experience fulfilling, supportive, and loving, regardless if they are with a family unit member or friend.

Family or Friends

Relationships with friends and family unit members are unique to each individual. Know that at that place is no right or incorrect way to have healthy and meaningful relationships, whether that ways being closer to your friends or family members.
